Saturday, February 10, 2007

Must read this
Nail Care Techniques

Do's and Don'ts of Nail Care

1. Do's

" Leave your nails without nail polish once in a while atleast inorder to allow them to breathe.

" Keep a pack of hand lotion or cream near the kitchen sink and use it each time after washing your hands.

" Wear gloves while doing housework or gardening and rub some hand cream or lotion before putting on the gloves.

" Apply oil to your nails whenever possible inorder to strengthen them.

" Include ample quantities of calcium and vitamin A in your daily diet.

" Keep your manicure set clean inorder to prevent any infection.

" Have a professional manicure done atleast once a month.

" Prolonged exposure to the sun is not good for nails and a lot of swimming will dry them. This can be encountered by keeping the nails and cuticles well moisturised.

" Before doing chores like dusting or gardening, first dig the nails into a soap bar. This prevents dirt from getting embedded under them and also make them easier to clean later.

" To keep nail polish intact in the bath, smoothen a little skin cream on it before going for a bath.

" If a nail breaks, we can get, professional help in fixing 'false' nails. Otherwise, try to file them down. If the break is bad, remove all the polish from that nail and mend the break with a small piece of cello-tape, cut to fit. Then re-apply polish.

" If nails are brittle and break or split easily, keep them oiled.

2. Don'ts

" Don't use your nails on a job that can be done just as well with a pair of scissors, pliers or a hammer

" Don't file nails when they are damp.

" Don't cut cuticles

" Don't wash clothes or dishes in very hot water

" Don't bite or chew your nails.

" Don't clean your nails with a sharp metal instrument - use a nail brush and orange stick instead.

" Don't be seen with chipped nail polish - it is a sign of careless grooming.

" Don't leave your hands in detergent for long.

" Don't peel-off your nail polish as you wish to - always use a nail-polish remover.

Hand care products

1. Nail Polish Selection. Whenever we use nail polish, we should select the shade carefully. Deep toned polish looks good on long and slender nails. Pale colours make short nails look longer and they also look good on small, delicate-looking hands.

2. Nail- Length Decision. As regards the nail-length, not everyone can manage long nail. If we do a lot of typing or housework , play the guitar or are a sports freak, long nail are not for us.

File rather than cut as cutting weaken the nail and cause it to flake. File in one direction only from sides to centre, using the softer side of an emery board, not a metal file. Aim for a rounded tip: the shape at the tip should reflect the shape at the base to make a perfect oval.

Hand care products


" If your elbows have been darkened, apply a mixture of lemon juice mixed with milk cream. Wash off after 30 mts.

" To get rid of elbow darkness, you can also apply a mixture of cucumber juice and lemon juice ( in equal quantities). Wash off after 15 mts.

" If there is a lot of hair on your hands, apply a smooth paste of gramflour and oil on them. Wash off after 30 mts.

" Massaging hands with almond oil is most ideal inorder to maintain them in a good condition.

" If the hands are stained or discoloured, rub a little lemon juice or hydrogen peroxide on the stain after washing and before drying the hands. This lightens the stain.

" For big hands, wear exotic bracelets high on the arm and wide ornamental rings.

" Slim, small hands call for daintiness in the choice of jewellery and nail polish shade. Narrow bracelets and rings with delicate elongated settings look the prettiest.

" To suit small square hands use small and simple jewellery.

" On wrinkled hands, use rich cream after steaming the hands

" As one matures, one tends to get freckles on the hand. Use a good bleaching cream for this. Although the results are temporary, they are quite effective.

Hand care products

About the Author

Author Susan Christy is an experienced beautician. She has been working on beautifying People in UK Since 10 years. Her <a href="">beauty care tips have helped many people. She is presently with Feelconfident UK Buy perfumes and Gifts online Banesto F1 Martini F1 F1 Martini Race SMS SMS Race Airport JFK JFK Airport


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I think this info will rock you!
What is a Hybrid vehicle? This article has the most current hybrid car information and benefits such as gas, tax, and more...

Hybrid systems are engineered to increase performance, reduce emissions and maximize fuel efficiency with a mix of gasoline and electrical power. A hybrid does not need to be plugged into a power source to recharge, the electrical power is stored in batteries that are charged partly by the gas motor but also, ingeniously, by the energy released when you apply the brakes on your car.

Different amounts of electrical power are used at different speeds. At higher speeds, for example, the electric motor is just chipping in, while at lower ones it may take over entirely. To conserve fuel, all hybrids shut down the gasoline-powered engine during stops. Called an idle-stop feature, this not only saves fuel and reduces emissions, but cuts electrical consumption as well. A dashboard display will tell you how much power is coming from each source as you go faster and slower, which savvy drivers use to see which speeds get you the best fuel efficiency.

Think your hybrid only helps you save money at the pump? If you act now and buy a new hybrid, your vehicle can give you another break, a tax break. Here's what you need to know about the IRS's new-for-2006 "Alternative Motor Vehicle Credit."

The hybrid clean fuel tax deduction allows owners to combine two different types of credits ranging from $250 to $3400 deducted from the final tax bill and only the first 60,000 hybrid models sold are eligible for the full credit. The exact amount of a specific credit is based on a complex formula determined by vehicle weight, technology, fuel economy, and emissions data. The bottom line is you get more money for buying a more fuel-efficient hybrid vehicle.

With all their advanced technology, exceptional fuel economy and low emissions, hybrid vehicles are often referred to as the cars of the future. Due to the high demand, buying a hybrid may take a little more work than with a traditional vehicle. If you are thinking to get one, it's a good idea to get on a waiting list at your local dealership. For those who are flexible on colors and options, you will increase your odds of getting a hybrid much sooner.

*ref link:

About the Author

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